Это пространство для представления бизнеса и того, что он может предложить. Определите качества и ценности, которые делают его уникальным.

Наш взгляд
Reward your Community
You can begin giving your members value in your community in many different ways, below I will explain to you the ways your users can utilize the success system as I will also explain your use case
Posting Images in Success
Posting Videos in Success
Tweeting out their Success and Posting the Link in your Success Channel
Publishing a Review on Whop to your company, granting them points for doing so
Inviting Users to your community grants them points
Clicking Earn More points after submitting an Image or General Success Post
Submitting Bounties with /bounty
Unscrambling words in the Unscramble Chat Channel for Points a message every [x] hours will send into a channel for users to try and guess what the correct word is and receive points for it
Users can also play rock paper scissors with each other and gamble their points for a chance to win the other user's submitted points from the game with /rps
You can also set a channel where all the points notifications get sent to, to avoid clutter in your success channel
When images are watermarked, the original image also gets sent to a other channel so that you always have access to the unwatermarked version of the image.
It also then sends to a waiting room where you can choose, so that your users can see the success from your premium members with a direct checkout link to your company to increase conversions
The success system also includes the option to watermark every image posted in the channels you set, with your company logo or any image you provide during setup to go over all posts so that no one can steal your success and claim it to be success from their company

Built in Shop System into Success
How does this work?
Whenever your members begin to accrue points they can use these points on a shop that you are able to fully setup within your server and add any items you want whether its a free membership, free pair of shoes, free amazon leads, whatever you want, for [x] amount of points, and with [x] amount of stock for specific items
Commands they can use
/shop-buy - will display the shop for them to use their points and the available items in the shop
The moment a user redeems an item from the shop, the system is so advanced to the point where it will automatically deduct the user's points and create a ticket for the user within your server and attach your staff members into it, so all you have to do is sit back and relax and just reward the user with what they purchased while being in your server.

Наш взгляд
Below is an entire page of documentation you may like to know as to how the bot works and all the neat functionalities the bot has to offer in order to give your members what they are looking for in terms of value in your group!

ROI Success System PT.2
How does this work?
Everytime a user submits a success post in your channel, the earn more points button stores all the information they submit into the form and tracks it for the lifetime of their stay in your group
Commands they can use
/earnings - will display them the amount they have earned while being in your server every time they click the button
/globalearnings - will display your entire server earnings of all members combined
when these commands are utilized a nice image is automatically generated to give your members the satisfactory experience within your server with nice aesthetics and appeal, image examples below

Turns Into this

Dependent on the information you submit, it generates automatically

Server Logs
The log channel that is set will begin to receive, user logs such as join, ban, kick, message edits, message deletions, when discord links are sent and deleted
Image Examples

Welcome DMs
The Ability to send welcome DMs to all users that join in an embedded response welcoming them into your server.

When utilizing the /welcome command, it will prompt you to type in your response that will be sent to these users who join your server

Suggestion System
Users have the ability to leave suggestions in your server for your members to vote on whether or not they want to see that suggestion come to life within your server, all they have to do is type in the channel

Boost System
Users have the ability to claim a vip role or any role that you set after they boost your discord server and will keep this role for [x] amount of days and the role will be automatically removed when the time is up
/timeleft - users can check the amount of time left on their boosted role from boosting your server

Personalized User Keyword Pings
Users are able to setup a system to notify them when specific keywords are found within the server, they will be tagged in the channel, and also receive a DM when the keyword was found with the entire embed or message that contained the keyword

Inventory System
Users are able to setup a inventory system within your server, where they can add their items into a embed that is saved for eternity
This allows you to offer your members a cashout system where if you have the buyers the users can display the inventory they setup within your server simply with commands and work out a deal with the buyers, rather than always having to give CSV's or EXCEL Sheets, they can also import their own sheets and csv's directly into the bot, saving them time.

Sticky Messages
Allows you to setup a message that gets stuck to the bottom of a specific channel and after a certain amount of messages, that specific message will be resent, keeping the important notification you want to be known, at the bottom of the server.

Multiple Ticket Systems
My bot allows your server to no longer have the default ticket tool, and customize an entire ticket system that has all your branding and logos, and embeds and the ability to create custom panels within your server and make it to where specific roles are able to open tickets, close tickets, and specific roles that are pinged
However the bot also automatically creates tickets when payment failures occur within your paid membership group, as well as when they decide to cancel their membership a ticket will automatically open and they will also receive a DM for both of these scenarios.
A Ticket will also automatically be created whenever a user decides to purchase your membership for your server or also join the server with a specific role, allowing you to communicate with this member and walk him through everything you may have to offer so he isnt left stranded and confused with the 500 channels.

ACO Secured Checkout Logs
ACO Checkout Logs system allows you to send all of your bot checkout logs to a private channel where it then gets sent to specific webhooks excluding all of the private user's information that would normally be in the embed, so that you can display your success to your server while the bot will also tag and mention the user there was a successful checkout for! so that all you have to do is sit back and relax, and check out for your users and they receive instant notifications when you check out for them, and get tagged in the server aswell where the success is displayed via the webhooks.

Discord to Telegram Sending
Set up a automated message transfer from a discord channel to a specific telegram chat, to where you are able to keep both of your communities notified at the same time, simply by typing in the discord channel that you set
Allows for multiple configurations meaning, specific discord channels can send to specific telegram chats.

⏰Server Reminders ⏰
The ability to have server reminders send every [x] minutes, hours, or days in specific channels mentioning a specific role with your specific message
It also comes with a built in bulletin board that updates as messages get sent out or reminders get set up, and it also displays in your user's local time-zone so that everyone is on the same page

Ebay Module
Allows you to generate 👀 for ebay

Automated Needs Help Checker
The ability to check channels within categories that have not received a response from a staff member at all, and it will ping the staff role in the channel you used the command in which is /needshelp and you are able to set it on a interval to automatically check every [x] amount of minutes and auto ping

#1 Ping System on Discord
User Customized Notifications
Users will receive notifications in their dms based on the channels or categories you configure for users to receive notifications for, and they have the ability to disable or enable whether or not they want these to continue to come in
Image Examples